Interface SparkPlugin

@DeveloperApi public interface SparkPlugin
:: DeveloperApi :: A plugin that can be dynamically loaded into a Spark application.

Plugins can be loaded by adding the plugin's class name to the appropriate Spark configuration. Check the Spark monitoring guide for details.

Plugins have two optional components: a driver-side component, of which a single instance is created per application, inside the Spark driver. And an executor-side component, of which one instance is created in each executor that is started by Spark. Details of each component can be found in the documentation for DriverPlugin and ExecutorPlugin.

  • Method Details

    • driverPlugin

      DriverPlugin driverPlugin()
      Return the plugin's driver-side component.
      The driver-side component, or null if one is not needed.
    • executorPlugin

      ExecutorPlugin executorPlugin()
      Return the plugin's executor-side component.
      The executor-side component, or null if one is not needed.