Package pyspark :: Module conf :: Class SparkConf
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Class SparkConf

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object --+

Configuration for a Spark application. Used to set various Spark parameters as key-value pairs.

Most of the time, you would create a SparkConf object with SparkConf(), which will load values from spark.* Java system properties as well. In this case, any parameters you set directly on the SparkConf object take priority over system properties.

For unit tests, you can also call SparkConf(false) to skip loading external settings and get the same configuration no matter what the system properties are.

All setter methods in this class support chaining. For example, you can write conf.setMaster("local").setAppName("My app").

Note that once a SparkConf object is passed to Spark, it is cloned and can no longer be modified by the user.

Instance Methods
__init__(self, loadDefaults=True, _jvm=None, _jconf=None)
Create a new Spark configuration.
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set(self, key, value)
Set a configuration property.
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setIfMissing(self, key, value)
Set a configuration property, if not already set.
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setMaster(self, value)
Set master URL to connect to.
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setAppName(self, value)
Set application name.
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setSparkHome(self, value)
Set path where Spark is installed on worker nodes.
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setExecutorEnv(self, key=None, value=None, pairs=None)
Set an environment variable to be passed to executors.
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setAll(self, pairs)
Set multiple parameters, passed as a list of key-value pairs.
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get(self, key, defaultValue=None)
Get the configured value for some key, or return a default otherwise.
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Get all values as a list of key-value pairs.
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contains(self, key)
Does this configuration contain a given key?
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Returns a printable version of the configuration, as a list of key=value pairs, one per line.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__


Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__(self, loadDefaults=True, _jvm=None, _jconf=None)

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Create a new Spark configuration.

  • loadDefaults - whether to load values from Java system properties (True by default)
  • _jvm - internal parameter used to pass a handle to the Java VM; does not need to be set by users
  • _jconf - Optionally pass in an existing SparkConf handle to use its parameters
Overrides: object.__init__

setAll(self, pairs)

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Set multiple parameters, passed as a list of key-value pairs.

  • pairs - list of key-value pairs to set