regexp_replace {SparkR}R Documentation



Replace all substrings of the specified string value that match regexp with rep.


## S4 method for signature 'Column,character,character'
regexp_replace(x, pattern, replacement)

regexp_replace(x, pattern, replacement)

See Also

Other string_funcs: ascii, ascii; base64, base64; concat_ws, concat_ws; concat, concat; decode, decode; encode, encode; format_number, format_number; format_string, format_string; initcap, initcap; instr, instr; length; levenshtein, levenshtein; locate, locate; lower, lower; lpad, lpad; ltrim, ltrim; regexp_extract, regexp_extract; reverse, reverse; rpad, rpad; rtrim, rtrim; soundex, soundex; substring_index, substring_index; translate, translate; trim, trim; unbase64, unbase64; upper, upper


## Not run: regexp_replace(df$c, '(\\d+)', '--')

[Package SparkR version 1.6.3 Index]