
DataFrameReader.jdbc(url, table, column=None, lowerBound=None, upperBound=None, numPartitions=None, predicates=None, properties=None)[source]

Construct a DataFrame representing the database table named table accessible via JDBC URL url and connection properties.

Partitions of the table will be retrieved in parallel if either column or predicates is specified. lowerBound, upperBound and numPartitions is needed when column is specified.

If both column and predicates are specified, column will be used.

New in version 1.4.0.


a JDBC URL of the form jdbc:subprotocol:subname


the name of the table

columnstr, optional

the name of a column of numeric, date, or timestamp type that will be used for partitioning; if this parameter is specified, then numPartitions, lowerBound (inclusive), and upperBound (exclusive) will form partition strides for generated WHERE clause expressions used to split the column column evenly

lowerBoundstr or int, optional

the minimum value of column used to decide partition stride

upperBoundstr or int, optional

the maximum value of column used to decide partition stride

numPartitionsint, optional

the number of partitions

predicateslist, optional

a list of expressions suitable for inclusion in WHERE clauses; each one defines one partition of the DataFrame

propertiesdict, optional

a dictionary of JDBC database connection arguments. Normally at least properties “user” and “password” with their corresponding values. For example { ‘user’ : ‘SYSTEM’, ‘password’ : ‘mypassword’ }



Don’t create too many partitions in parallel on a large cluster; otherwise Spark might crash your external database systems.