Package org.apache.spark.rdd
package org.apache.spark.rdd
Provides implementation's of various RDDs.
ClassDescriptionA set of asynchronous RDD actions available through an implicit conversion.Enumeration to manage state transitions of an RDD through checkpointingCoGroupedRDD<K>Developer API An RDD that cogroups its parents.Coalesce the partitions of a parent RDD (
) into fewer partitions, so that each partition of this RDD computes one or more of the parent ones.The deterministic level of RDD's output (i.e. whatRDD#compute
returns).Extra functions available on RDDs of Doubles through an implicit conversion.HadoopRDD<K,V> Developer API An RDD that provides core functionality for reading data stored in Hadoop (e.g., files in HDFS, sources in HBase, or S3), using the older MapReduce API (org.apache.hadoop.mapred
).This holds file names of the current Spark task.JdbcRDD<T>An RDD that executes a SQL query on a JDBC connection and reads results.NewHadoopRDD<K,V> Developer API An RDD that provides core functionality for reading data stored in Hadoop (e.g., files in HDFS, sources in HBase, or S3), using the new MapReduce API (org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce
).OrderedRDDFunctions<K,V, P extends scala.Product2<K, V>> Extra functions available on RDDs of (key, value) pairs where the key is sortable through an implicit conversion.PairRDDFunctions<K,V> Extra functions available on RDDs of (key, value) pairs through an implicit conversion.::DeveloperApi:: A PartitionCoalescer defines how to coalesce the partitions of a given RDD.::DeveloperApi:: A group ofPartition
s param: prefLoc preferred location for the partition groupDeveloper API An RDD used to prune RDD partitions/partitions so we can avoid launching tasks on all partitions.RDD<T>A Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD), the basic abstraction in Spark.RDDBarrier<T>Experimental Wraps an RDD in a barrier stage, which forces Spark to launch tasks of this stage together.Extra functions available on RDDs of (key, value) pairs to create a Hadoop SequenceFile, through an implicit conversion.ShuffledRDD<K,V, C> Developer API The resulting RDD from a shuffle (e.g. repartitioning of data).UnionRDD<T>