Package org.apache.spark.sql.connector.catalog
package org.apache.spark.sql.connector.catalog
ClassDescriptionAn API to extend the Spark built-in session catalog.A marker interface to provide a catalog implementation for Spark.Conversion helpers for working with v2
.An interface representing a column of aTable
.A class representing the default value of a column.A simple implementation ofCatalogExtension
, which implements all the catalog functions by calling the built-in session catalog directly.Catalog methods for working with Functions.Identifies an object in a catalog.A trait to encapsulate catalog lookup function and helpful extractors.Extract legacy table identifier from a multi-part identifier.Extract legacy table identifier from a multi-part identifier.Extract catalog and identifier from a multi-part name with the current catalog if needed.Extract catalog and identifier from a multi-part name with the current catalog if needed.Extract catalog and namespace from a multi-part name with the current catalog if needed.Extract catalog and namespace from a multi-part name with the current catalog if needed.Extract non-session catalog and identifier from a multi-part identifier.Extract non-session catalog and identifier from a multi-part identifier.Extract session catalog and identifier from a multi-part identifier.Extract session catalog and identifier from a multi-part identifier.Interface for a metadata column.NamespaceChange subclasses represent requested changes to a namespace.A NamespaceChange to remove a namespace property.A NamespaceChange to set a namespace property.A mix-in interface forTableProvider
.Represents a table which is staged for being committed to the metastore.An optional mix-in for implementations ofTableCatalog
that support staging creation of the a table before committing the table's metadata along with its contents in CREATE TABLE AS SELECT or REPLACE TABLE AS SELECT operations.An atomic partition interface ofTable
to operate multiple partitions atomically.An interface, which TableProviders can implement, to support table existence checks and creation through a catalog, without having to use table identifiers.A mix-in interface forTable
delete support.A mix-in interface forTable
delete support.An interface for exposing data columns for a table that are not in the table schema.Catalog methods for working with namespaces.A partition interface ofTable
.A mix-in interface ofTable
, to indicate that it's readable.A mix-in interface forTable
row-level operations support.A mix-in interface ofTable
, to indicate that it's writable.An interface representing a logical structured data set of a data source.Capabilities that can be provided by aTable
implementation.Catalog methods for working with Tables.Capabilities that can be provided by aTableCatalog
implementation.TableChange subclasses represent requested changes to a table.A TableChange to add a field.Column position AFTER means the specified column should be put after the given `column`.A TableChange to delete a field.Column position FIRST means the specified column should be the first column.A TableChange to remove a table property.A TableChange to rename a field.A TableChange to set a table property.A TableChange to update the comment of a field.A TableChange to update the default value of a field.A TableChange to update the nullability of a field.A TableChange to update the position of a field.A TableChange to update the type of a field.The base interface for v2 data sources which don't have a real catalog.Represents a table which can be atomically truncated.A V2 table with V1 fallback support.An interface representing a persisted view.Catalog methods for working with views.ViewChange subclasses represent requested changes to a view.