Interface SelectorParams

All Superinterfaces:
HasFeaturesCol, HasLabelCol, HasOutputCol, Identifiable, Params, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:
ChiSqSelector, ChiSqSelectorModel

public interface SelectorParams extends Params, HasFeaturesCol, HasLabelCol, HasOutputCol
Params for Selector and SelectorModel.
  • Method Details

    • fdr

      The upper bound of the expected false discovery rate. Only applicable when selectorType = "fdr". Default value is 0.05.
    • fpr

      The highest p-value for features to be kept. Only applicable when selectorType = "fpr". Default value is 0.05.
    • fwe

      The upper bound of the expected family-wise error rate. Only applicable when selectorType = "fwe". Default value is 0.05.
    • getFdr

      double getFdr()
    • getFpr

      double getFpr()
    • getFwe

      double getFwe()
    • getNumTopFeatures

      int getNumTopFeatures()
    • getPercentile

      double getPercentile()
    • getSelectorType

      String getSelectorType()
    • numTopFeatures

      IntParam numTopFeatures()
      Number of features that selector will select, ordered by ascending p-value. If the number of features is less than numTopFeatures, then this will select all features. Only applicable when selectorType = "numTopFeatures". The default value of numTopFeatures is 50.

    • percentile

      DoubleParam percentile()
      Percentile of features that selector will select, ordered by ascending p-value. Only applicable when selectorType = "percentile". Default value is 0.1.
    • selectorType

      Param<String> selectorType()
      The selector type. Supported options: "numTopFeatures" (default), "percentile", "fpr", "fdr", "fwe"