Interface VectorIndexerParams

All Superinterfaces:
HasHandleInvalid, HasInputCol, HasOutputCol, Identifiable, Params, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:
VectorIndexer, VectorIndexerModel

public interface VectorIndexerParams extends Params, HasInputCol, HasOutputCol, HasHandleInvalid
Private trait for params for VectorIndexer and VectorIndexerModel
  • Method Details

    • getMaxCategories

      int getMaxCategories()
    • handleInvalid

      Param<String> handleInvalid()
      Param for how to handle invalid data (unseen labels or NULL values). Note: this param only applies to categorical features, not continuous ones. Options are: 'skip': filter out rows with invalid data. 'error': throw an error. 'keep': put invalid data in a special additional bucket, at index of the number of categories of the feature. Default value: "error"
      Specified by:
      handleInvalid in interface HasHandleInvalid
    • maxCategories

      IntParam maxCategories()
      Threshold for the number of values a categorical feature can take. If a feature is found to have > maxCategories values, then it is declared continuous. Must be greater than or equal to 2.

      (default = 20)
