Class ParamValidators


public class ParamValidators extends Object
Factory methods for common validation functions for Param.isValid. The numerical methods only support Int, Long, Float, and Double.
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static <T> scala.Function1<Object,Object>
    arrayLengthGt(double lowerBound)
    Check that the array length is greater than lowerBound.
    static void
    checkSingleVsMultiColumnParams(Params model, scala.collection.immutable.Seq<Param<?>> singleColumnParams, scala.collection.immutable.Seq<Param<?>> multiColumnParams)
    Utility for Param validity checks for Transformers which have both single- and multi-column support.
    static <T> scala.Function1<T,Object>
    gt(double lowerBound)
    Check if value is greater than lowerBound
    static <T> scala.Function1<T,Object>
    gtEq(double lowerBound)
    Check if value is greater than or equal to lowerBound
    static <T> scala.Function1<T,Object>
    inArray(Object allowed)
    Check for value in an allowed set of values.
    static <T> scala.Function1<T,Object>
    inArray(List<T> allowed)
    Check for value in an allowed set of values.
    static <T> scala.Function1<T,Object>
    inRange(double lowerBound, double upperBound)
    Version of `inRange()` which uses inclusive be default: [lowerBound, upperBound]
    static <T> scala.Function1<T,Object>
    inRange(double lowerBound, double upperBound, boolean lowerInclusive, boolean upperInclusive)
    Check for value in range lowerBound to upperBound.
    static <T> scala.Function1<T,Object>
    lt(double upperBound)
    Check if value is less than upperBound
    static <T> scala.Function1<T,Object>
    ltEq(double upperBound)
    Check if value is less than or equal to upperBound

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • ParamValidators

      public ParamValidators()
  • Method Details

    • gt

      public static <T> scala.Function1<T,Object> gt(double lowerBound)
      Check if value is greater than lowerBound
      lowerBound - (undocumented)
    • gtEq

      public static <T> scala.Function1<T,Object> gtEq(double lowerBound)
      Check if value is greater than or equal to lowerBound
      lowerBound - (undocumented)
    • lt

      public static <T> scala.Function1<T,Object> lt(double upperBound)
      Check if value is less than upperBound
      upperBound - (undocumented)
    • ltEq

      public static <T> scala.Function1<T,Object> ltEq(double upperBound)
      Check if value is less than or equal to upperBound
      upperBound - (undocumented)
    • inRange

      public static <T> scala.Function1<T,Object> inRange(double lowerBound, double upperBound, boolean lowerInclusive, boolean upperInclusive)
      Check for value in range lowerBound to upperBound.

      lowerInclusive - if true, range includes value = lowerBound
      upperInclusive - if true, range includes value = upperBound
      lowerBound - (undocumented)
      upperBound - (undocumented)
    • inRange

      public static <T> scala.Function1<T,Object> inRange(double lowerBound, double upperBound)
      Version of `inRange()` which uses inclusive be default: [lowerBound, upperBound]
    • inArray

      public static <T> scala.Function1<T,Object> inArray(Object allowed)
      Check for value in an allowed set of values.
    • inArray

      public static <T> scala.Function1<T,Object> inArray(List<T> allowed)
      Check for value in an allowed set of values.
    • arrayLengthGt

      public static <T> scala.Function1<Object,Object> arrayLengthGt(double lowerBound)
      Check that the array length is greater than lowerBound.
    • checkSingleVsMultiColumnParams

      public static void checkSingleVsMultiColumnParams(Params model, scala.collection.immutable.Seq<Param<?>> singleColumnParams, scala.collection.immutable.Seq<Param<?>> multiColumnParams)
      Utility for Param validity checks for Transformers which have both single- and multi-column support. This utility assumes that inputCol indicates single-column usage and that inputCols indicates multi-column usage.

      This checks to ensure that exactly one set of Params has been set, and it raises an IllegalArgumentException if not.

      singleColumnParams - Params which should be set (or have defaults) if inputCol has been set. This does not need to include inputCol.
      multiColumnParams - Params which should be set (or have defaults) if inputCols has been set. This does not need to include inputCols.
      model - (undocumented)