Interface SparkTestUtils

public interface SparkTestUtils
  • Method Details

    • createURI

      URI createURI(String name)
    • createCompiledClass

      File createCompiledClass(String className, File destDir, SparkTestUtils.JavaSourceFromString sourceFile, scala.collection.immutable.Seq<URL> classpathUrls)
      Creates a compiled class with the source file. Class file will be placed in destDir.
    • createCompiledClass

      File createCompiledClass(String className, File destDir, String toStringValue, String baseClass, scala.collection.immutable.Seq<URL> classpathUrls, scala.collection.immutable.Seq<String> implementsClasses, String extraCodeBody, scala.Option<String> packageName)
      Creates a compiled class with the given name. Class file will be placed in destDir.