dapply {SparkR}R Documentation



Apply a function to each partition of a SparkDataFrame.

Apply a function to each partition of a SparkDataFrame and collect the result back


dapply(x, func, schema)

dapplyCollect(x, func)

## S4 method for signature 'SparkDataFrame,'function',structType'
dapply(x, func, schema)

## S4 method for signature 'SparkDataFrame,'function''
dapplyCollect(x, func)



A SparkDataFrame


A function to be applied to each partition of the SparkDataFrame. func should have only one parameter, to which a data.frame corresponds to each partition will be passed. The output of func should be a data.frame.


The schema of the resulting DataFrame after the function is applied. It must match the output of func.


A SparkDataFrame


A function to be applied to each partition of the SparkDataFrame. func should have only one parameter, to which a data.frame corresponds to each partition will be passed. The output of func should be a data.frame.

See Also

Other SparkDataFrame functions: SparkDataFrame-class, [[, agg, arrange, as.data.frame, attach, cache, collect, colnames, coltypes, columns, count, describe, dim, distinct, dropDuplicates, dropna, drop, dtypes, except, explain, filter, first, group_by, head, histogram, insertInto, intersect, isLocal, join, limit, merge, mutate, ncol, persist, printSchema, registerTempTable, rename, repartition, sample, saveAsTable, selectExpr, select, showDF, show, str, take, unionAll, unpersist, withColumn, write.df, write.jdbc, write.json, write.parquet, write.text

Other SparkDataFrame functions: SparkDataFrame-class, [[, agg, arrange, as.data.frame, attach, cache, collect, colnames, coltypes, columns, count, describe, dim, distinct, dropDuplicates, dropna, drop, dtypes, except, explain, filter, first, group_by, head, histogram, insertInto, intersect, isLocal, join, limit, merge, mutate, ncol, persist, printSchema, registerTempTable, rename, repartition, sample, saveAsTable, selectExpr, select, showDF, show, str, take, unionAll, unpersist, withColumn, write.df, write.jdbc, write.json, write.parquet, write.text


## Not run: 
##D   df <- createDataFrame (sqlContext, iris)
##D   df1 <- dapply(df, function(x) { x }, schema(df))
##D   collect(df1)
##D   # filter and add a column
##D   df <- createDataFrame (
##D           sqlContext, 
##D           list(list(1L, 1, "1"), list(2L, 2, "2"), list(3L, 3, "3")),
##D           c("a", "b", "c"))
##D   schema <- structType(structField("a", "integer"), structField("b", "double"),
##D                      structField("c", "string"), structField("d", "integer"))
##D   df1 <- dapply(
##D            df,
##D            function(x) {
##D              y <- x[x[1] > 1, ]
##D              y <- cbind(y, y[1] + 1L)
##D            },
##D            schema)
##D   collect(df1)
##D   # the result
##D   #       a b c d
##D   #     1 2 2 2 3
##D   #     2 3 3 3 4
## End(Not run)
## Not run: 
##D   df <- createDataFrame (sqlContext, iris)
##D   ldf <- dapplyCollect(df, function(x) { x })
##D   # filter and add a column
##D   df <- createDataFrame (
##D           sqlContext, 
##D           list(list(1L, 1, "1"), list(2L, 2, "2"), list(3L, 3, "3")),
##D           c("a", "b", "c"))
##D   ldf <- dapplyCollect(
##D            df,
##D            function(x) {
##D              y <- x[x[1] > 1, ]
##D              y <- cbind(y, y[1] + 1L)
##D            })
##D   # the result
##D   #       a b c d
##D   #       2 2 2 3
##D   #       3 3 3 4
## End(Not run)

[Package SparkR version 2.0.0 Index]