Class ShortestPaths


public class ShortestPaths extends Object
Computes shortest paths to the given set of landmark vertices, returning a graph where each vertex attribute is a map containing the shortest-path distance to each reachable landmark.
  • Constructor Details

    • ShortestPaths

      public ShortestPaths()
  • Method Details

    • run

      public static <VD, ED> Graph<scala.collection.Map<Object,Object>,ED> run(Graph<VD,ED> graph, scala.collection.immutable.Seq<Object> landmarks, scala.reflect.ClassTag<ED> evidence$1)
      Computes shortest paths to the given set of landmark vertices.

      graph - the graph for which to compute the shortest paths
      landmarks - the list of landmark vertex ids. Shortest paths will be computed to each landmark.

      evidence$1 - (undocumented)
      a graph where each vertex attribute is a map containing the shortest-path distance to each reachable landmark vertex.