Class LeastSquaresGradient

  extended by org.apache.spark.mllib.optimization.Gradient
      extended by org.apache.spark.mllib.optimization.LeastSquaresGradient
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class LeastSquaresGradient
extends Gradient

:: DeveloperApi :: Compute gradient and loss for a Least-squared loss function, as used in linear regression. This is correct for the averaged least squares loss function (mean squared error) L = 1/2n ||A weights-y||^2 See also the documentation for the precise formulation.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 scala.Tuple2<Vector,Object> compute(Vector data, double label, Vector weights)
          Compute the gradient and loss given the features of a single data point.
 double compute(Vector data, double label, Vector weights, Vector cumGradient)
          Compute the gradient and loss given the features of a single data point, add the gradient to a provided vector to avoid creating new objects, and return loss.
Methods inherited from class Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public LeastSquaresGradient()
Method Detail


public scala.Tuple2<Vector,Object> compute(Vector data,
                                           double label,
                                           Vector weights)
Description copied from class: Gradient
Compute the gradient and loss given the features of a single data point.

compute in class Gradient
data - features for one data point
label - label for this data point
weights - weights/coefficients corresponding to features

(gradient: Vector, loss: Double)


public double compute(Vector data,
                      double label,
                      Vector weights,
                      Vector cumGradient)
Description copied from class: Gradient
Compute the gradient and loss given the features of a single data point, add the gradient to a provided vector to avoid creating new objects, and return loss.

Specified by:
compute in class Gradient
data - features for one data point
label - label for this data point
weights - weights/coefficients corresponding to features
cumGradient - the computed gradient will be added to this vector
