
package write

Type Members

  1. trait BatchWrite extends AnyRef
  2. trait DataWriter[T] extends Closeable
  3. trait DataWriterFactory extends Serializable
  4. trait PhysicalWriteInfo extends AnyRef
  5. trait SupportsDynamicOverwrite extends WriteBuilder
  6. trait SupportsOverwrite extends WriteBuilder with SupportsTruncate
  7. trait SupportsTruncate extends WriteBuilder
  8. trait V1WriteBuilder extends WriteBuilder

    A trait that should be implemented by V1 DataSources that would like to leverage the DataSource V2 write code paths.

    A trait that should be implemented by V1 DataSources that would like to leverage the DataSource V2 write code paths. The InsertableRelation will be used only to Append data. Other instances of the WriteBuilder interface such as SupportsOverwrite, SupportsTruncate should be extended as well to support additional operations other than data appends.

    This interface is designed to provide Spark DataSources time to migrate to DataSource V2 and will be removed in a future Spark release.

    @Experimental() @Unstable()


  9. trait WriteBuilder extends AnyRef
  10. trait WriterCommitMessage extends Serializable
