
case class BatchInfo(batchTime: Time, streamIdToInputInfo: Map[Int, StreamInputInfo], submissionTime: Long, processingStartTime: Option[Long], processingEndTime: Option[Long], outputOperationInfos: Map[Int, OutputOperationInfo]) extends Product with Serializable

Developer API

Class having information on completed batches.


Time of the batch


A map of input stream id to its input info


Clock time of when jobs of this batch was submitted to the streaming scheduler queue


Clock time of when the first job of this batch started processing


Clock time of when the last job of this batch finished processing


The output operations in this batch

Linear Supertypes
Serializable, Serializable, Product, Equals, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. BatchInfo
  2. Serializable
  3. Serializable
  4. Product
  5. Equals
  6. AnyRef
  7. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new BatchInfo(batchTime: Time, streamIdToInputInfo: Map[Int, StreamInputInfo], submissionTime: Long, processingStartTime: Option[Long], processingEndTime: Option[Long], outputOperationInfos: Map[Int, OutputOperationInfo])


    Time of the batch


    A map of input stream id to its input info


    Clock time of when jobs of this batch was submitted to the streaming scheduler queue


    Clock time of when the first job of this batch started processing


    Clock time of when the last job of this batch finished processing


    The output operations in this batch

Value Members

  1. val batchTime: Time
  2. def numRecords: Long

    The number of recorders received by the receivers in this batch.

  3. val outputOperationInfos: Map[Int, OutputOperationInfo]
  4. def processingDelay: Option[Long]

    Time taken for the all jobs of this batch to finish processing from the time they started processing.

    Time taken for the all jobs of this batch to finish processing from the time they started processing. Essentially, it is processingEndTime - processingStartTime.

  5. val processingEndTime: Option[Long]
  6. val processingStartTime: Option[Long]
  7. def schedulingDelay: Option[Long]

    Time taken for the first job of this batch to start processing from the time this batch was submitted to the streaming scheduler.

    Time taken for the first job of this batch to start processing from the time this batch was submitted to the streaming scheduler. Essentially, it is processingStartTime - submissionTime.

  8. val streamIdToInputInfo: Map[Int, StreamInputInfo]
  9. val submissionTime: Long
  10. def totalDelay: Option[Long]

    Time taken for all the jobs of this batch to finish processing from the time they were submitted.

    Time taken for all the jobs of this batch to finish processing from the time they were submitted. Essentially, it is processingDelay + schedulingDelay.