


object ParamValidators

Factory methods for common validation functions for Param.isValid. The numerical methods only support Int, Long, Float, and Double.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. ParamValidators
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Value Members

  1. def arrayLengthGt[T](lowerBound: Double): (Array[T]) => Boolean

    Check that the array length is greater than lowerBound.

  2. def checkSingleVsMultiColumnParams(model: Params, singleColumnParams: Seq[Param[_]], multiColumnParams: Seq[Param[_]]): Unit

    Utility for Param validity checks for Transformers which have both single- and multi-column support.

    Utility for Param validity checks for Transformers which have both single- and multi-column support. This utility assumes that inputCol indicates single-column usage and that inputCols indicates multi-column usage.

    This checks to ensure that exactly one set of Params has been set, and it raises an IllegalArgumentException if not.


    Params which should be set (or have defaults) if inputCol has been set. This does not need to include inputCol.


    Params which should be set (or have defaults) if inputCols has been set. This does not need to include inputCols.

  3. def gt[T](lowerBound: Double): (T) => Boolean

    Check if value is greater than lowerBound

  4. def gtEq[T](lowerBound: Double): (T) => Boolean

    Check if value is greater than or equal to lowerBound

  5. def inArray[T](allowed: List[T]): (T) => Boolean

    Check for value in an allowed set of values.

  6. def inArray[T](allowed: Array[T]): (T) => Boolean

    Check for value in an allowed set of values.

  7. def inRange[T](lowerBound: Double, upperBound: Double): (T) => Boolean

    Version of inRange() which uses inclusive be default: [lowerBound, upperBound]

  8. def inRange[T](lowerBound: Double, upperBound: Double, lowerInclusive: Boolean, upperInclusive: Boolean): (T) => Boolean

    Check for value in range lowerBound to upperBound.

    Check for value in range lowerBound to upperBound.


    if true, range includes value = lowerBound


    if true, range includes value = upperBound

  9. def lt[T](upperBound: Double): (T) => Boolean

    Check if value is less than upperBound

  10. def ltEq[T](upperBound: Double): (T) => Boolean

    Check if value is less than or equal to upperBound