
object JdbcRDD extends Serializable

Linear Supertypes
Serializable, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. JdbcRDD
  2. Serializable
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
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  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. trait ConnectionFactory extends Serializable

Value Members

  1. def create(sc: JavaSparkContext, connectionFactory: ConnectionFactory, sql: String, lowerBound: Long, upperBound: Long, numPartitions: Int): JavaRDD[Array[AnyRef]]

    Create an RDD that executes a SQL query on a JDBC connection and reads results.

    Create an RDD that executes a SQL query on a JDBC connection and reads results. Each row is converted into a Object array. For usage example, see test case JavaAPISuite.testJavaJdbcRDD.


    a factory that returns an open Connection. The RDD takes care of closing the connection.


    the text of the query. The query must contain two ? placeholders for parameters used to partition the results. For example,

    select title, author from books where ? <= id and id <= ?

    the minimum value of the first placeholder


    the maximum value of the second placeholder The lower and upper bounds are inclusive.


    the number of partitions. Given a lowerBound of 1, an upperBound of 20, and a numPartitions of 2, the query would be executed twice, once with (1, 10) and once with (11, 20)

  2. def create[T](sc: JavaSparkContext, connectionFactory: ConnectionFactory, sql: String, lowerBound: Long, upperBound: Long, numPartitions: Int, mapRow: Function[ResultSet, T]): JavaRDD[T]

    Create an RDD that executes a SQL query on a JDBC connection and reads results.

    Create an RDD that executes a SQL query on a JDBC connection and reads results. For usage example, see test case JavaAPISuite.testJavaJdbcRDD.


    a factory that returns an open Connection. The RDD takes care of closing the connection.


    the text of the query. The query must contain two ? placeholders for parameters used to partition the results. For example,

    select title, author from books where ? <= id and id <= ?

    the minimum value of the first placeholder


    the maximum value of the second placeholder The lower and upper bounds are inclusive.


    the number of partitions. Given a lowerBound of 1, an upperBound of 20, and a numPartitions of 2, the query would be executed twice, once with (1, 10) and once with (11, 20)


    a function from a ResultSet to a single row of the desired result type(s). This should only call getInt, getString, etc; the RDD takes care of calling next. The default maps a ResultSet to an array of Object.

  3. def resultSetToObjectArray(rs: ResultSet): Array[AnyRef]