Interface Encoder<T>

All Superinterfaces:

public interface Encoder<T> extends Serializable
Used to convert a JVM object of type T to and from the internal Spark SQL representation.

==Scala== Encoders are generally created automatically through implicits from a SparkSession, or can be explicitly created by calling static methods on Encoders.

   import spark.implicits._

   val ds = Seq(1, 2, 3).toDS() // implicitly provided (spark.implicits.newIntEncoder)

==Java== Encoders are specified by calling static methods on Encoders.

   List<String> data = Arrays.asList("abc", "abc", "xyz");
   Dataset<String> ds = context.createDataset(data, Encoders.STRING());

Encoders can be composed into tuples:

   Encoder<Tuple2<Integer, String>> encoder2 = Encoders.tuple(Encoders.INT(), Encoders.STRING());
   List<Tuple2<Integer, String>> data2 = Arrays.asList(new scala.Tuple2(1, "a");
   Dataset<Tuple2<Integer, String>> ds2 = context.createDataset(data2, encoder2);

Or constructed from Java Beans:


==Implementation== - Encoders should be thread-safe.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    A ClassTag that can be used to construct an Array to contain a collection of T.
    Returns the schema of encoding this type of object as a Row.
  • Method Details

    • clsTag

      scala.reflect.ClassTag<T> clsTag()
      A ClassTag that can be used to construct an Array to contain a collection of T.
    • schema

      StructType schema()
      Returns the schema of encoding this type of object as a Row.