Class WhenMatched<T>

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, scala.Equals, scala.Product

public class WhenMatched<T> extends Object implements scala.Product, Serializable
A class for defining actions to be taken when matching rows in a DataFrame during a merge operation.

param: mergeIntoWriter The MergeIntoWriter instance responsible for writing data to a target DataFrame. param: condition An optional condition Expression that specifies when the actions should be applied. If the condition is None, the actions will be applied to all matched rows.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • mergeIntoWriter

      public MergeIntoWriter<T> mergeIntoWriter()
    • condition

      public scala.Option<Column> condition()
    • updateAll

      public MergeIntoWriter<T> updateAll()
      Specifies an action to update all matched rows in the DataFrame.

      The MergeIntoWriter instance with the update all action configured.
    • update

      public MergeIntoWriter<T> update(scala.collection.immutable.Map<String,Column> map)
      Specifies an action to update matched rows in the DataFrame with the provided column assignments.

      map - A Map of column names to Column expressions representing the updates to be applied.
      The MergeIntoWriter instance with the update action configured.
    • delete

      public MergeIntoWriter<T> delete()
      Specifies an action to delete matched rows from the DataFrame.

      The MergeIntoWriter instance with the delete action configured.