Package org.apache.spark
Class ContextAwareIterator<T>
- All Implemented Interfaces:
,scala.collection.Iterator, scala.collection.Iterator<T>> scala.collection.Iterator<T>
since 4.0.0 as its only usage for Python evaluation is now extinct
:: DeveloperApi ::
A TaskContext aware iterator.
As the Python evaluation consumes the parent iterator in a separate thread,
it could consume more data from the parent even after the task ends and the parent is closed.
If an off-heap access exists in the parent iterator, it could cause segmentation fault
which crashes the executor.
Thus, we should use ContextAwareIterator
to stop consuming after the task ends.
- Since:
- 3.1.0
Nested Class Summary
Constructor Summary
(TaskContext context, scala.collection.Iterator<T> delegate) Deprecated. -
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface scala.collection.IterableOnce
knownSize, stepper
Methods inherited from interface scala.collection.IterableOnceOps
$colon$bslash, $div$colon, addString, addString, addString, aggregate, collectFirst, copyToArray, copyToArray, copyToArray, copyToBuffer, corresponds, count, exists, find, fold, foldLeft, foldRight, forall, foreach, isTraversableAgain, max, maxBy, maxByOption, maxOption, min, minBy, minByOption, minOption, mkString, mkString, mkString, nonEmpty, product, reduce, reduceLeft, reduceLeftOption, reduceOption, reduceRight, reduceRightOption, reversed, size, splitAt, sum, to, toArray, toBuffer, toIndexedSeq, toIterator, toList, toMap, toSeq, toSet, toStream, toVector
Methods inherited from interface scala.collection.Iterator
$plus$plus, buffered, collect, concat, contains, distinct, distinctBy, drop, dropWhile, duplicate, filter, filterImpl, filterNot, flatMap, flatten, grouped, hasDefiniteSize, indexOf, indexOf, indexWhere, indexWhere$default$2, isEmpty, iterator, length, map, nextOption, padTo, partition, patch, sameElements, scanLeft, scanRight, seq, slice, sliceIterator, sliding, sliding$default$2, span, take, takeWhile, tapEach, toString, withFilter, zip, zipAll, zipWithIndex