Class VertexRDD<VD>

Type Parameters:
VD - the vertex attribute associated with each vertex in the set.
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class VertexRDD<VD> extends RDD<scala.Tuple2<Object,VD>>
Extends RDD[(VertexId, VD)] by ensuring that there is only one entry for each vertex and by pre-indexing the entries for fast, efficient joins. Two VertexRDDs with the same index can be joined efficiently. All operations except reindex() preserve the index. To construct a VertexRDD, use the VertexRDD object.

Additionally, stores routing information to enable joining the vertex attributes with an EdgeRDD.

See Also:
Construct a VertexRDD from a plain RDD:

 // Construct an initial vertex set
 val someData: RDD[(VertexId, SomeType)] = loadData(someFile)
 val vset = VertexRDD(someData)
 // If there were redundant values in someData we would use a reduceFunc
 val vset2 = VertexRDD(someData, reduceFunc)
 // Finally we can use the VertexRDD to index another dataset
 val otherData: RDD[(VertexId, OtherType)] = loadData(otherFile)
 val vset3 = vset2.innerJoin(otherData) { (vid, a, b) => b }
 // Now we can construct very fast joins between the two sets
 val vset4: VertexRDD[(SomeType, OtherType)] = vset.leftJoin(vset3)

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • apply

      public static <VD> VertexRDD<VD> apply(RDD<scala.Tuple2<Object,VD>> vertices, scala.reflect.ClassTag<VD> evidence$14)
      Constructs a standalone VertexRDD (one that is not set up for efficient joins with an EdgeRDD) from an RDD of vertex-attribute pairs. Duplicate entries are removed arbitrarily.

      vertices - the collection of vertex-attribute pairs
      evidence$14 - (undocumented)
    • apply

      public static <VD> VertexRDD<VD> apply(RDD<scala.Tuple2<Object,VD>> vertices, EdgeRDD<?> edges, VD defaultVal, scala.reflect.ClassTag<VD> evidence$15)
      Constructs a VertexRDD from an RDD of vertex-attribute pairs. Duplicate vertex entries are removed arbitrarily. The resulting VertexRDD will be joinable with edges, and any missing vertices referred to by edges will be created with the attribute defaultVal.

      vertices - the collection of vertex-attribute pairs
      edges - the EdgeRDD that these vertices may be joined with
      defaultVal - the vertex attribute to use when creating missing vertices
      evidence$15 - (undocumented)
    • apply

      public static <VD> VertexRDD<VD> apply(RDD<scala.Tuple2<Object,VD>> vertices, EdgeRDD<?> edges, VD defaultVal, scala.Function2<VD,VD,VD> mergeFunc, scala.reflect.ClassTag<VD> evidence$16)
      Constructs a VertexRDD from an RDD of vertex-attribute pairs. Duplicate vertex entries are merged using mergeFunc. The resulting VertexRDD will be joinable with edges, and any missing vertices referred to by edges will be created with the attribute defaultVal.

      vertices - the collection of vertex-attribute pairs
      edges - the EdgeRDD that these vertices may be joined with
      defaultVal - the vertex attribute to use when creating missing vertices
      mergeFunc - the commutative, associative duplicate vertex attribute merge function
      evidence$16 - (undocumented)
    • fromEdges

      public static <VD> VertexRDD<VD> fromEdges(EdgeRDD<?> edges, int numPartitions, VD defaultVal, scala.reflect.ClassTag<VD> evidence$17)
      Constructs a VertexRDD containing all vertices referred to in edges. The vertices will be created with the attribute defaultVal. The resulting VertexRDD will be joinable with edges.

      edges - the EdgeRDD referring to the vertices to create
      numPartitions - the desired number of partitions for the resulting VertexRDD
      defaultVal - the vertex attribute to use when creating missing vertices
      evidence$17 - (undocumented)
    • compute

      public scala.collection.Iterator<scala.Tuple2<Object,VD>> compute(Partition part, TaskContext context)
      Provides the RDD[(VertexId, VD)] equivalent output.
      Specified by:
      compute in class RDD<scala.Tuple2<Object,VD>>
      part - (undocumented)
      context - (undocumented)
    • reindex

      public abstract VertexRDD<VD> reindex()
      Construct a new VertexRDD that is indexed by only the visible vertices. The resulting VertexRDD will be based on a different index and can no longer be quickly joined with this RDD.
    • filter

      public VertexRDD<VD> filter(scala.Function1<scala.Tuple2<Object,VD>,Object> pred)
      Restricts the vertex set to the set of vertices satisfying the given predicate. This operation preserves the index for efficient joins with the original RDD, and it sets bits in the bitmask rather than allocating new memory.

      It is declared and defined here to allow refining the return type from RDD[(VertexId, VD)] to VertexRDD[VD].

      filter in class RDD<scala.Tuple2<Object,VD>>
      pred - the user defined predicate, which takes a tuple to conform to the RDD[(VertexId, VD)] interface
    • mapValues

      public abstract <VD2> VertexRDD<VD2> mapValues(scala.Function1<VD,VD2> f, scala.reflect.ClassTag<VD2> evidence$2)
      Maps each vertex attribute, preserving the index.

      f - the function applied to each value in the RDD
      evidence$2 - (undocumented)
      a new VertexRDD with values obtained by applying f to each of the entries in the original VertexRDD
    • mapValues

      public abstract <VD2> VertexRDD<VD2> mapValues(scala.Function2<Object,VD,VD2> f, scala.reflect.ClassTag<VD2> evidence$3)
      Maps each vertex attribute, additionally supplying the vertex ID.

      f - the function applied to each ID-value pair in the RDD
      evidence$3 - (undocumented)
      a new VertexRDD with values obtained by applying f to each of the entries in the original VertexRDD. The resulting VertexRDD retains the same index.
    • minus

      public abstract VertexRDD<VD> minus(RDD<scala.Tuple2<Object,VD>> other)
      For each VertexId present in both this and other, minus will act as a set difference operation returning only those unique VertexId's present in this.

      other - an RDD to run the set operation against
    • minus

      public abstract VertexRDD<VD> minus(VertexRDD<VD> other)
      For each VertexId present in both this and other, minus will act as a set difference operation returning only those unique VertexId's present in this.

      other - a VertexRDD to run the set operation against
    • diff

      public abstract VertexRDD<VD> diff(RDD<scala.Tuple2<Object,VD>> other)
      For each vertex present in both this and other, diff returns only those vertices with differing values; for values that are different, keeps the values from other. This is only guaranteed to work if the VertexRDDs share a common ancestor.

      other - the other RDD[(VertexId, VD)] with which to diff against.
    • diff

      public abstract VertexRDD<VD> diff(VertexRDD<VD> other)
      For each vertex present in both this and other, diff returns only those vertices with differing values; for values that are different, keeps the values from other. This is only guaranteed to work if the VertexRDDs share a common ancestor.

      other - the other VertexRDD with which to diff against.
    • leftZipJoin

      public abstract <VD2, VD3> VertexRDD<VD3> leftZipJoin(VertexRDD<VD2> other, scala.Function3<Object,VD,scala.Option<VD2>,VD3> f, scala.reflect.ClassTag<VD2> evidence$4, scala.reflect.ClassTag<VD3> evidence$5)
      Left joins this RDD with another VertexRDD with the same index. This function will fail if both VertexRDDs do not share the same index. The resulting vertex set contains an entry for each vertex in this. If other is missing any vertex in this VertexRDD, f is passed None.

      other - the other VertexRDD with which to join.
      f - the function mapping a vertex id and its attributes in this and the other vertex set to a new vertex attribute.
      evidence$4 - (undocumented)
      evidence$5 - (undocumented)
      a VertexRDD containing the results of f
    • leftJoin

      public abstract <VD2, VD3> VertexRDD<VD3> leftJoin(RDD<scala.Tuple2<Object,VD2>> other, scala.Function3<Object,VD,scala.Option<VD2>,VD3> f, scala.reflect.ClassTag<VD2> evidence$6, scala.reflect.ClassTag<VD3> evidence$7)
      Left joins this VertexRDD with an RDD containing vertex attribute pairs. If the other RDD is backed by a VertexRDD with the same index then the efficient <VD2,VD3>leftZipJoin(org.apache.spark.graphx.VertexRDD<VD2>,scala.Function3<java.lang.Object,VD,scala.Option<VD2>,VD3>,scala.reflect.ClassTag<VD2>,scala.reflect.ClassTag<VD3>) implementation is used. The resulting VertexRDD contains an entry for each vertex in this. If other is missing any vertex in this VertexRDD, f is passed None. If there are duplicates, the vertex is picked arbitrarily.

      other - the other VertexRDD with which to join
      f - the function mapping a vertex id and its attributes in this and the other vertex set to a new vertex attribute.
      evidence$6 - (undocumented)
      evidence$7 - (undocumented)
      a VertexRDD containing all the vertices in this VertexRDD with the attributes emitted by f.
    • innerZipJoin

      public abstract <U, VD2> VertexRDD<VD2> innerZipJoin(VertexRDD<U> other, scala.Function3<Object,VD,U,VD2> f, scala.reflect.ClassTag<U> evidence$8, scala.reflect.ClassTag<VD2> evidence$9)
      Efficiently inner joins this VertexRDD with another VertexRDD sharing the same index. See <U,VD2>innerJoin(org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD<scala.Tuple2<java.lang.Object,U>>,scala.Function3<java.lang.Object,VD,U,VD2>,scala.reflect.ClassTag<U>,scala.reflect.ClassTag<VD2>) for the behavior of the join.
      other - (undocumented)
      f - (undocumented)
      evidence$8 - (undocumented)
      evidence$9 - (undocumented)
    • innerJoin

      public abstract <U, VD2> VertexRDD<VD2> innerJoin(RDD<scala.Tuple2<Object,U>> other, scala.Function3<Object,VD,U,VD2> f, scala.reflect.ClassTag<U> evidence$10, scala.reflect.ClassTag<VD2> evidence$11)
      Inner joins this VertexRDD with an RDD containing vertex attribute pairs. If the other RDD is backed by a VertexRDD with the same index then the efficient <U,VD2>innerZipJoin(org.apache.spark.graphx.VertexRDD<U>,scala.Function3<java.lang.Object,VD,U,VD2>,scala.reflect.ClassTag<U>,scala.reflect.ClassTag<VD2>) implementation is used.

      other - an RDD containing vertices to join. If there are multiple entries for the same vertex, one is picked arbitrarily. Use <VD2>aggregateUsingIndex(org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD<scala.Tuple2<java.lang.Object,VD2>>,scala.Function2<VD2,VD2,VD2>,scala.reflect.ClassTag<VD2>) to merge multiple entries.
      f - the join function applied to corresponding values of this and other
      evidence$10 - (undocumented)
      evidence$11 - (undocumented)
      a VertexRDD co-indexed with this, containing only vertices that appear in both this and other, with values supplied by f
    • aggregateUsingIndex

      public abstract <VD2> VertexRDD<VD2> aggregateUsingIndex(RDD<scala.Tuple2<Object,VD2>> messages, scala.Function2<VD2,VD2,VD2> reduceFunc, scala.reflect.ClassTag<VD2> evidence$12)
      Aggregates vertices in messages that have the same ids using reduceFunc, returning a VertexRDD co-indexed with this.

      messages - an RDD containing messages to aggregate, where each message is a pair of its target vertex ID and the message data
      reduceFunc - the associative aggregation function for merging messages to the same vertex
      evidence$12 - (undocumented)
      a VertexRDD co-indexed with this, containing only vertices that received messages. For those vertices, their values are the result of applying reduceFunc to all received messages.
    • reverseRoutingTables

      public abstract VertexRDD<VD> reverseRoutingTables()
      Returns a new VertexRDD reflecting a reversal of all edge directions in the corresponding EdgeRDD.
    • withEdges

      public abstract VertexRDD<VD> withEdges(EdgeRDD<?> edges)
      Prepares this VertexRDD for efficient joins with the given EdgeRDD.