Interface RobustScalerParams

All Superinterfaces:
HasInputCol, HasOutputCol, HasRelativeError, Identifiable, Params, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:
RobustScaler, RobustScalerModel

public interface RobustScalerParams extends Params, HasInputCol, HasOutputCol, HasRelativeError
  • Method Details

    • getLower

      double getLower()
    • getUpper

      double getUpper()
    • getWithCentering

      boolean getWithCentering()
    • getWithScaling

      boolean getWithScaling()
    • lower

      DoubleParam lower()
      Lower quantile to calculate quantile range, shared by all features Default: 0.25
    • upper

      DoubleParam upper()
      Upper quantile to calculate quantile range, shared by all features Default: 0.75
    • validateAndTransformSchema

      StructType validateAndTransformSchema(StructType schema)
      Validates and transforms the input schema.
    • withCentering

      BooleanParam withCentering()
      Whether to center the data with median before scaling. It will build a dense output, so take care when applying to sparse input. Default: false
    • withScaling

      BooleanParam withScaling()
      Whether to scale the data to quantile range. Default: true