
package scripting

Type Members

  1. class CaseStatementExec extends NonLeafStatementExec

    Executable node for CaseStatement.

  2. class CompoundBodyExec extends CompoundNestedStatementIteratorExec

    Executable node for CompoundBody.

  3. abstract class CompoundNestedStatementIteratorExec extends NonLeafStatementExec

    Abstract class for all statements that contain nested statements.

    Abstract class for all statements that contain nested statements. Implements recursive iterator logic over all child execution nodes.

  4. sealed trait CompoundStatementExec extends Logging

    Trait for all SQL scripting execution nodes used during interpretation phase.

  5. class IfElseStatementExec extends NonLeafStatementExec

    Executable node for IfElseStatement.

  6. class IterateStatementExec extends LeafStatementExec

    Executable node for ITERATE statement.

  7. trait LeafStatementExec extends CompoundStatementExec

    Leaf node in the execution tree.

  8. class LeaveStatementExec extends LeafStatementExec

    Executable node for LeaveStatement.

  9. trait NonLeafStatementExec extends CompoundStatementExec

    Non-leaf node in the execution tree.

    Non-leaf node in the execution tree. It is an iterator over executable child nodes.

  10. class RepeatStatementExec extends NonLeafStatementExec

    Executable node for RepeatStatement.

  11. class SingleStatementExec extends LeafStatementExec with WithOrigin

    Executable node for SingleStatement.

  12. case class SqlScriptingInterpreter() extends Product with Serializable

    SQL scripting interpreter - builds SQL script execution plan.

  13. class WhileStatementExec extends NonLeafStatementExec

    Executable node for WhileStatement.
