
DataFrame.to_table(name: str, format: Optional[str] = None, mode: str = 'w', partition_cols: Union[str, List[str], None] = None, index_col: Union[str, List[str], None] = None, **options: Any) → None[source]

Write the DataFrame into a Spark table. DataFrame.spark.to_table() is an alias of DataFrame.to_table().

namestr, required

Table name in Spark.

formatstring, optional

Specifies the output data source format. Some common ones are:

  • ‘delta’

  • ‘parquet’

  • ‘orc’

  • ‘json’

  • ‘csv’

modestr {‘append’, ‘overwrite’, ‘ignore’, ‘error’, ‘errorifexists’}, default

‘overwrite’. Specifies the behavior of the save operation when the table exists already.

  • ‘append’: Append the new data to existing data.

  • ‘overwrite’: Overwrite existing data.

  • ‘ignore’: Silently ignore this operation if data already exists.

  • ‘error’ or ‘errorifexists’: Throw an exception if data already exists.

partition_colsstr or list of str, optional, default None

Names of partitioning columns

index_col: str or list of str, optional, default: None

Column names to be used in Spark to represent pandas-on-Spark’s index. The index name in pandas-on-Spark is ignored. By default, the index is always lost.


Additional options passed directly to Spark.



>>> df = ps.DataFrame(dict(
...    date=list(pd.date_range('2012-1-1 12:00:00', periods=3, freq='M')),
...    country=['KR', 'US', 'JP'],
...    code=[1, 2 ,3]), columns=['date', 'country', 'code'])
>>> df
                 date country  code
0 2012-01-31 12:00:00      KR     1
1 2012-02-29 12:00:00      US     2
2 2012-03-31 12:00:00      JP     3
>>> df.to_table('%s.my_table' % db, partition_cols='date')